Diameter: 6779 km
mass: 6.39 x 10^23 Kg
Moons: 2
distance from the Sun: 227,943,824 km
Length of Year: 687 Earth days
Temperature -153 to 20 degree C
1. Mars is Name after roman god of war, and is often referred to as the 'Red Planet'.
2. Mars’ red color is due to iron oxide, also known as rust, and has the consistency of talcum powder. Literally, the metallic rocks on Mars are rusting.
3. the tallest mountain in the solar system is situated in mars. Olympus Mons, a shield volcano, is 21km high and 600km in diameter. Despite having formed over billions of years, evidence from volcanic lava flows is so recent many scientists believe it could still be active.
4. gravity on mars is so weak that you can jump on 3 times as much as you could on earth.
5. Mars has only two moons Phobos(fear) and Deimos(panic). The moons are named after the twin gods who accompanied Ares (or Mars) into battle
6. scientists believed that there was no liquid water on the surface of Mars –– only rocks, soil dust and ice. But In 2018, they found evidence of a lake under the planet’s south polar ice cap.
7.The atmosphere (mostly consists of carbon dioxide) on Mars is so thin that water cannot exist in liquid form , it can exist only as water vapor or ice.
8. Mars’ crust is thicker than Earth’s and is made up of one piece, unlike Earth’s crust which consists of several moving plates
9. Mars has the largest and most violent dust storms in our entire solar system. These storms often have winds topping 125 mph, can last for weeks, and can cover the entire planet.
10. Phobos orbits very close to Mars and is gradually sinking into the Red Planet. In about 50 million years it will either crash into Mars or break up and form a small ring around the planet.