1. An adult Amur or Siberian tiger (the largest subspecies) can weigh up to 660 pounds.
2. Tigers are the only cat species that are completely striped. They even have stripes on their skin
3. Just like humans' fingerprints each tigers have different stripe patterns.The Tigers Stripes range in color from light brown to black and are not symmetrical on both sides of the tiger
4. the Tigers are generally nocturnal hunters. Their night vision is up to six-times greater than ours. But they're also opportunists, which means they won't pass up the chance for a daytime snack when it's available.
5. A tiger's hind legs are longer than its front legs, giving them the ability to leap forward 20 - 30 feet in one jump.
6. tiger's tail is about three feet long and helps them balance when making tight turns.
7.It's estimated that tiger hunts are only successful about one in every 10 to 20 attempts.
8.The average lifespan of a wild tiger is 10 - 15 years. But on rare occasion, they have been known to live up to 26 years in the wild
9.You can hear a tiger's roar from up to two miles away. Tiger vocalizations include roaring, growling, hissing, moaning and chuffing.
10. According to WWF, the tiger population in the wild has recovered and there are now 3890 tigers are left in the world in the wild.