Aliens or Extraterrestial life have always been a serious question to humans

In the early 20th century, physicist Enrico Fermi asked himself a now-famous question:
Given the scope of our universe, why haven’t we found intelligent extraterrestrial life yet (or why haven’t they found us)?
This is sometimes called the Fermi Paradox or the Great Silence.

Scientists have floated many possible answers in the century since Fermi first asked this question.

The universe is home to a lot of galaxies, which consists of sextillions of stars . And a research over the past decade has shown, perhaps at least 50 percent of those stars harbor planets, estimates there are 1 trillion planets in the MilkyWay alone. "Surely some of them have undergone what Earth has undergone and developed life, and eventually what we call sentient life,"

we cannot explore the area outside our local group, because of the expansion of the universe and dark matter. But Still there are a lot of chances in our own galaxy, The Milky way

It is possible that, there must be something barring life from interstellar travel or,
at least, barring it from communicating with other alien species.

This barrier is known as the “Great Filter,”and it is a force or event that stops a civilization from getting to the aforementioned point of interstellar travel or communication.

No alien civilizations have substantially colonized our solar system or systems nearby. Thus among the billion trillion stars in our past universe, none has reached the level of technology and growth that we may soon reach.

maybe we will have to explore around half of the Milky Way galaxy before we hear anything,

This is not to say that we must be reached by then or else ,we are in fact, alone.

But Somewhere around half of the people in the U.S. believe that aliens have already visited us. To back their claims, witnesses have presented snapshots of flying saucers and debris from crash landings, Are the world's governments  coordinated and efficient enough to collectively keep what would be the world's biggest secret. Well thats the story for another part.